Readers Guide:
Setting up your business

Congratulations on passing the bar exam! This is a huge milestone marking the beginning of what we hope will be an illustrious and fulfilling career at the bar.

With this Complimentary White Paper, you will find answers to:

How to set up your business as a Barrister
How to manage your tax obligations as a sole trader
How to budget and manage cashflow
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Why we compiled this guide

As a Barrister you’re in a unique position given the demands of practicing law and running your small business. You need to manage your tax obligations, pay overheads, make decisions on investments and financing, all while working on cases and attracting more work.

When embarking on your professional career it’s important to get your foundations right and that means partnering with a specialist who understands your unique circumstances and who will value you as a client.

Who are we?

At Causbrooks, we’re dedicated to helping legal professionals with their taxation and accounting needs.

We have been working with legal professionals for going on three decades and during that time we have helped many barristers in the early stages of their careers by establishing a strong foundation of tax compliance, bookkeeping, cashflow budgeting, and tax planning.


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Contact us today for a consultation.

Contact us today to learn more about how our accounting services can benefit your business. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you achieve financial success!

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